We’re here to help.

Partner Directory

Who Are AdoptMatch Partners?

An AdoptMatch partner is a licensed adoption agency or attorney committed to following AdoptMatch’s 4 Guiding Principles:

#1  Written post-adoption contact agreements

#2  Separate legal representation for expectant mothers

#3  Reasonable & justifiable fees for adoptive parents

#4  High-quality post-placement counseling for birth mothers


AdoptMatch partnership is always free. No one ever pays a fee to become a partner or to be included in the AdoptMatch Partner Directory. The only price of admission is an unwavering commitment to the ethical practices that are essential in every adoption.

Using The Directory

Our directory contains contact information for each AdoptMatch Partner. You may search by entity type (agency or attorney), location, or name of the agency or law firm.

* Indicates that the Partner offers matching services to out-of-state families.

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