Welcome! Meet:

Chuck + Celina

Tugboat Captain / Pharmacist

South Carolina



All About Chuck & Celina

Hi, we are Chuck and Celina! Thank you for choosing to hear our story and learn more about us and how we could be prospective parents. 

We grew up just five minutes from one another and did not meet until later in life through Chuck’s brother. As you can imagine, we knew some of the same people and crossed paths a few times over the following years. We started talking on the phone and learned that we had so many things in common, even our grandparents were friends and would go dancing together!

Soon after we began talking, we started sharing some of our biggest dreams: we both love to travel, go camping, hike, ride our bikes, and cook meals that we grew up eating in New Orleans but most of all we wanted to marry and have children. We dated for over two years until we became engaged and married in the fall of 2009.

Shortly after, we were blessed with a son, then two years later he was blessed with a little brother. We have always dreamed of having three children, but we were advised by our doctor that we would not be able to conceive​​ again. We spent the next year praying and God continued to put the desire for a third blessing on our hearts. We have been praying for those mothers considering adoption for over two years now that they may feel supported in whatever decision they pursue. We have so much love to give and are so excited to welcome a third child into our family through adoption.

Why Adoption?

Having a large family has always been on our hearts, unfortunately our story would have to change when we discovered we were no longer able to have children. After finding out this heartbreaking news, we knew right away we wanted to explore adoption. We found after openly discussing it with others, that some of our friends and most of our children’s homeschool families had adopted at least one child, we felt called to make it a part of our story as well.

Family & Home

Our home is cozy and perfect for a family that does everything together. It was built in 1975 but has been fully renovated with a retro vibe. Our open kitchen is where we spend a lot of our time, cooking meals together because food is the way to the soul. 

During the warmer months, you will find us swimming and playing games in our pool and grilling outside in our backyard. When we chose our home, it was important for it to be in an established neighborhood full of families, mature oak trees, and places to ride bikes and take evening walks. It just happened to be within walking distance to our neighborhood school! 

We know most of our neighbors and they are always willing to lend or receive a helping hand, or a cup of sugar! Our neighborhood frequently has block parties with live music, food trucks, and ice cream which encourages that small-town feel. The best part about living in Charleston is you have all the conveniences of a large city, but they are only a short drive/walk away, whether it's the beach, museum, park, aquarium, arcade, putt-putt, fishing, kayaking, bowling, zip lining or nature walks.

We both grew up surrounded by family. Our cousins were our best friends, and our grandparents/ aunts and uncles were our babysitters. Even though we moved outside of our hometown, we travel to see our family and childhood friends every few months and video chat with them often. We also have a large support system here in Charleston, made up of friends, our church family, coworkers, and neighbors. 

Our parents LOVE being grandparents and are so excited to be a part of this next chapter. They visit every chance they get, video chat weekly, and talk almost daily. We make it a point to be together for almost every major holiday. Summer always includes a trip to New Orleans to visit our family so our children can keep a connection to their roots and appreciate their heritage. 

We cannot wait to welcome another child into our family. Everyone from our family to our friends has been so supportive of us over the years, and they can’t wait to love another little one!

How others describe me


One thing that amazes me about my husband is his capability to overcome adversity. His parents divorced when he was nine years old and they struggled financially. It was at that time that he learned how to make the best out of what he had. He could take scraps of wood and other items that many people would consider trash and turn it into something useful. His father was a carpenter, so with his direction, Chuck evolved into a craftsman. This is a skill he loves to practice with our children. 

His love for music has always been an artistic outlet for him. He taught himself how to play the drums when he was 15 just by listening to music! He has shared this passion with our boys who now practice their instruments together.

School was always a challenge, so he decided to pursue a career as a tugboat captain where he earned his rank after starting at an entry level as a deckhand. With perseverance and determination, he finally became a captain and is one of the most sought-after pilots in the tugboat community. 

In his free time you will find my husband with our family making tree swings, jamming out in our garage, playing ball, riding bikes, cooking and sharing it with our neighbors, swimming, building the best "forts,” making everyone laugh with his animal noises, or just snuggling and reading a book. He is the guy you call on when you need help. He is devoted to making our family's happiness his priority in ways both big and small, always.


There are so many ways that I could describe Celina—I would run out of room here. The first time I ever spoke to her I knew she was different. She was very sweet and could be friends with anyone she met. As I got to know her, I was in awe of all her amazing talents. I had never met such a beautiful girl that was so down to Earth and caring for everyone in her life. 

Celina grew up surrounded by family that loved to have family gatherings and cook delicious New Orleans and Italian cuisine. Education has always been very important to her and her family. In high school, she was the student council president as well as the Homecoming Queen! 

After high school, she went to college to get her doctorate in Pharmacy. Celina is very passionate about the things she cares most about. She has the ability to approach problems head-on and devise a solution that works for all involved. Celina is a very dependable person, and she excels at everything that she pursues.

Celina is very family-oriented and loves spending time just hanging out, going to the beach, swimming in our pool, and traveling. She is also a great planner in life. I always know that if she makes a plan, fun is guaranteed! She is truly the person that keeps our family running smoothly on a daily basis. We have always wanted a third child and I know she would be honored to raise another child, giving them all the love and grace she has to share.

Advice to Future Child

Our advice to our future child would be to follow your heart. This world can be confusing and challenging but if you stay true to yourself, your dreams and passions it may not necessarily be “easy” but it will be worth it. You are loved, appreciated, and worthy no matter what, always always remember that.

Perspectives on Open Adoption

As a mother and father, we respect and value the importance of the relationship between biological parents and their children. As adoptive parents, we can only provide a piece to the puzzle and want our child to have accessibility to their full story and an opportunity to have a relationship with all of their parents.


  • Favorite Movie: Willy Wonka
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Christmas is by far my favorite holiday, there is something magical about it.
  • Hobbies/Interests: biking, swimming, listening to music, drumming, cooking
  • Dream Vacation: Greece
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: to be able to fly
  • Favorite Movie: Moana
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Favorite tradition is decorating our home the night before each child’s birthday. It’s always so exciting seeing their faces light up when they wake up on their special day to a decorated home.
  • Hobbies/Interests: yoga, crafts, riding bikes, swimming, visiting the beach, cooking
  • Dream Vacation: going to Italy to see my heritage and experience the culture
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: to be able to create a forcefield so I can protect loved ones at any time

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