Welcome! Meet:

Kennett + Lizzy

Photographer / Creative Director



All About Kennett & Lizzy

Hi, we’re Lizzy & Kennett. We’ve been together for 8 years, married for 5, and recently moved to San Francisco to find a healthy dose of city, sun, and nature in one place. Family is super important to both of us. We’re so excited to grow closer together as parents and establish new traditions as the thoughtful open adoptive parents we know we will be.

Why Adoption?

We’ve known that adoption would be our path to starting a family from the get-go as Lizzy has known she’d be unable to carry a child from a young age. Lizzy also has adoption in her family—she is adopted herself by her father, and has a relationship with her birth father as well. Having blended, open-hearted/minded families and a family mantra of “the more people to love a child, the better’, we’ve always known this is the path for us.

Family & Home

Our home is a 1920s duplex in the Inner Richmond neighborhood in San Francisco. The neighborhood is an awesome balance of city and nature—we live between two incredible public parks—Presidio Park and Golden Gate Park. We walk our dog Margot to Baker Beach each morning just down the hill. The Richmond District has great public schools, and is family-oriented with playgrounds, markets, restaurants, and diverse family businesses.

Our home has a large living and dining space to host friends & family. Our bedroom is attached to a sunroom that will be the nursery, and we have a guest room for visiting family. We have a small backyard for gardening, and tons of natural light in our space. We are in business together, and run our creative studio primarily from our home office.

How others describe me

About Lizzy (by Kennett): Lizzy is sweet, kind-hearted and has a brilliantly creative mind.

Lizzy has so much love in her heart for both people and animals. She’s driven and motivated in her career, but always maintains her strong sense of self and core values. She’s humble and has a silly side (AKA dance parties with the dogs).

About Kennett (by Lizzy): Kennett is kind, warm, and easy-going. He gives the best hugs and has a super witty sense of humor. He has an especially positive outlook on life and is spontaneous.

how we met

How We Met

We met around 2013 while working on photo shoots together. Kennett was a Photo Assistant and Lizzy was an Art Director at the time, and we developed a friendship on set together full of humor and talk about dogs, future studios, and travel dreams. In 2016, after forming a really strong connection over the years, we finally became an item. We knew from the day we started dating that we would spend our lives together, and have been married 5 years now.

Advice to Future Child

We hope you grow up with a deep care for family—birth, adopted, and chosen—and know how loved you are. We hope you always pursue things that make you curious, and feel safe and supported in the process, and to be ok making mistakes along the way. We believe it's important to get out of your comfort zone and experience new things—we can’t wait to travel with you, and build memories of cities, states, and countries visited, new foods and people you've met along the way.

Perspectives on Open Adoption

We believe wholeheartedly in open adoption. We want the child we raise to feel loved by everyone involved and to know the complete picture of their story first-hand. We hope to build a relationship with you around mutual trust, understanding, and empathy.


  • Favorite Movie: Royal Tenenbaums
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Halloween
  • Hobbies/Interests: hiking, movies, games
  • Dream Vacation: Patagonia
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: to speak every language fluently
  • Favorite Movie: Mon Uncle
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Halloween
  • Hobbies/Interests: ceramics, music, photography, hiking, traveling
  • Dream Vacation: Patagonia
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: really good vision

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