Welcome! Meet:

Michael + Beth

Product Manager / Process Engineer

New York


Christian / Jewish

All About Michael & Beth

We are Beth and Michael.  We are childhood sweethearts, and also each other's best friend.  When we graduated from college we bought a home in upstate New York where we now live with our two rescue dogs, Finn and Lottie.  For work, Beth is a process engineer, while Michael works remotely from our house as a product manager.  In our free time, when we are not visiting friends or family, or taking the dogs on walks and to the park, Beth can be found reading a book or baking a fresh batch of cookies.  Michael can be found practicing his woodworking skills, or riding his bike around our neighborhood. We are big Disney fans, and love spending time at the parks.  Michael can even boast that he’s been able to visit all of them around the world.  We also love to travel together, seeing all the world has to offer, including different cultures and traditions.  We’re hopeful that one day we’d have a little one to bring with us on our trips and show the world to.

We knew that we have always wanted to have a family.  We hope that through adoption, and with your help we can make this dream a reality.  We would love to welcome you and your child into our family and give them love and cherish them as much as we love each other.

Why Adoption?

We have always wanted children, and just because we were not able to have any biologically it did not change our feelings about expanding our family. We believe that we can provide any child a loving and nurturing home.

We've known each other for so long which really helped during our infertility issues. We always communicated how we're feeling and made sure to support each other during this journey we've been on, from trying to conceive naturally, to fertility counseling, to this next step we've taken on our journey to adopt a child. It has been a disappointment when we learned we couldn't have a biological child but it didn't decrease the amount of love we have for each other and that we would give to a child.

Family & Home

We have our own house in a quiet neighborhood.  It has large front and back yards, perfect to run around and play. Our home is in a cul-de-sac, which is part of a series of culs-de-sac, which is perfect for taking our dogs, Finn and Lottie, for a walk or teaching a child how to ride a bike.  Our neighborhood likes to host annual events, like block parties, yard sales and a Halloween parade.

We have always been close with our parents, and one of the benefits of knowing each other for so long is that we have close relationships with each other's parents as well.  Our parents have always been supportive of the choices we’ve made and have always been people we can turn to for advice. They have always encouraged us to follow our passions, and provided everything they could to make those dreams successful.  We also both have siblings we are very close to, and see often. We have a niece we absolutely adore and try to see as often as possible, including the week she gets to spend with us between Christmas and New Years.

How others describe me

Beth is not just my wife, she’s also my best friend and I love that I get to be with her and around her every day.  She’s one of the smartest and strongest people I’ve ever known.  She’s funny, and willing to put up with all my dumb jokes, and is so supportive of me.  I feel lucky to have had her in my life for as long as I have and am always excited for our next adventure together.

Michael is such a loving and caring person.  He always tries to put everyone else’s needs before his own.  I always feel so safe and loved when I am around him.  Being around him makes me a better person.  He is also incredibly funny, and never fails to make me laugh.  I am so glad that we found each other at such a young age, so that we could have so much more time together, and that I have been able to grow as a person with him.

how we met

How We Met

We have known each other for over 20 years.  We met in middle school, but didn't start dating until later in high school. We had mutual friends in common, so we saw each other frequently and had become good friends over time. We waited to get married until both of our careers were established, and since we have been together for so long, our marriage has just been an extension of our solid relationship.

Advice to Future Child

Don’t be afraid to be yourself and to follow your passions.  There are always going to be people who want you to act a certain way, or have a certain job.  But, ultimately, it is your life to live, and you will be happiest when you are true to yourself.  As your parents, we may nudge you in the right direction, but we will always be there to love and support you in whatever choices you make.

Perspectives on Open Adoption

We greatly admire biological parents who make the tough decision to allow their child to be raised by others.  We think it takes a great amount of strength and courage to make such a decision. We would be willing to meet with the biological parents prior to placement. We would be willing to meet and have a relationship post placement, but would want to have a clear agreement in place ahead of time.


  • Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Christmas/Hanukkah - I always liked putting up Christmas lights but now that Beth and I have our own home we get to decorate the house with Christmas lights and Hanukkah lights to celebrate both
  • Hobbies/Interests: cooking (smoking meats, baking, trying new recipes), hiking, video games, woodworking, traveling
  • Dream Vacation: RV road trip across US to visit all National Parks
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: the power to have any power I need
  • Favorite Movie: Princess Bride
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Halloween, I love dressing up in a costume every year, and can never say no to candy
  • Hobbies/Interests: baking, reading, traveling, tennis
  • Dream Vacation: trip around the world
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: teleportation

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