Welcome! Meet:

Rob + Ali

Chief Marketing Officer of a Software Company / Stay-at-Home Mom

North Dakota



All About Rob & Ali

Ali is a 33-year-old dessert enthusiast with a motherly heart and a childlike core. Faith and family are her most important values, but ice cream comes shortly after. She is living her dream as a stay-at-home mom, and her heart swells with joy at the hope of adding another little one to the family. She loves arts and crafts, baking goodies that make people happy, watching Pixar movies or The Office (for the thousandth time), and all things nature/wildlife/animals. She also enjoys soggy cereal and Christmas music in July. 

Rob is a 36-year-old book-loving nerd who loves sci-fi and dreaming about the future. He works in marketing for a small software company, and his passion lies in learning and leading both in his job and in his family. He loves technology, finding new hobbies (like 3D printing), and creating anything from Legos with our son to new companies for his work. He could eat pizza every day, has traveled to 10 countries, and was homeschooled (but don’t worry, not the weird kind!). 

We love traveling together, and we’re fortunate that Rob’s remote job allows us to do that often as a family. Rob grew up going on mission trips to Mexico and Central America with his family, and those experiences shaped who he became. We hope to never take for granted the incredible opportunities we’ve had to experience the world, and we’re excited for our children to grow up seeing and experiencing other cultures firsthand, shaping them in amazing and profound ways. We love adventures, both big and small. Just as much, though, we love to balance our adventures with lots and LOTS of simple, joyful family time at home – reading endless stacks of books, building cozy blanket forts, eating pizza, riding bikes around the neighborhood, and making dozens of Lego airplanes. 

Sim is our fun and lively 4-year-old son who we adopted at birth. He is often described as “all boy” (loves dirt, monster trucks, and fart sounds), yet he is also so sweet and compassionate. He’s been practicing swaddling his stuffed animals and will be OVER THE MOON to have a little brother or sister to shower with affection. 

Petra is our 11-year-old black lab / German shepherd we rescued as a pup. She’s a chill and mellow old gal who loves to go out for walks and frolic in the woods as often as possible. Her favorite treat is peanut butter, and she will be glad to have another human dropping food on the floor.

Why Adoption?

We always wanted to be parents, but after trying to do so on our own, we received the hard news that it wouldn’t be possible for us. Though it brought considerable grief at first, we both felt pulled toward adoption, and it didn’t take us long to eagerly make the decision to grow our family this way. Our deepest hope is that every child born would have a loving family, a safe home, and the best chance at life. If that means adoption for some, we are here for it. It doesn’t matter to us if our children share our DNA; we just want to be the most loving, supportive, and nurturing parents we can be to any children we have the honor of welcoming into our family.

Family & Home

Our 4-bedroom home of over a decade is nestled in a quiet neighborhood on the edge of town, near multiple playgrounds and awesome neighbor kids as well as woods for hiking. We have a spacious, fenced backyard for lots of outdoor fun (grilling, water play, and campfires with s’mores in the summer), a home office for Rob to work remotely every day, and a cozy “book nook” in the kids’ room (which our son is very excited to share with a brother or sister!). It’s the perfect place for a family!

We’re blessed to have lots of loving family, both near and far, and good friends to do life with! Much of Rob’s family lives here in town, and his parents are the most loving, supportive grandparents we could ask for! Ali’s family lives further away, but we see them as often as we can. Everyone is overjoyed about a new family member! We also have several cherished friends to be there for each other both in life’s celebrations and hardships, a wonderful church family that models the love of Jesus, and an adventure-based homeschool co-op that has brought some of our son’s most favorite friendships.

How others describe me

What Ali says about Rob:

If Rob were a recipe, he would be the perfect blend of equal parts fun and responsible, with a sprinkle of dad jokes on top. Being a creative type and a lifelong learner, he’s great at encouraging imagination and inspiring discovery. I love the way he reads books to our son, always improvising with his own unique flair if the story isn’t good (or funny) enough by his standards. I’m ever grateful that he provides for our family by working hard at a job he loves, and I’m even more grateful that he prioritizes a work/life balance so that family never takes the back seat. Rob embodies the values of integrity, honesty, creativity, hard work, generosity, determination, and adventure – values I know our children will learn by watching the example he sets every day. He is my best friend and an amazing father!

What Rob says about Ali:

Ali is the most easy-going and loving person. She has a way of seeing the good in everyone and everything around her. I am constantly amazed by her patience and kindness, and by the way she handles the good and the hard moments in life. Ali is a rock in the storms of life, grounded and present. Watching her become a mother and blossom into what she obviously loves and is good at is amazing. I know I’m biased, but I have rarely seen anyone show the amount of connection, love, and guidance she shows to our son. I know she has a child-sized hole in her heart just waiting to be filled with another addition to our family, and I cannot wait to see her raise our kids to be loving, patient, confident humans.

how we met

How We Met

We met as barely adults on Halloween (Ali dressed as the cutest giant penguin Rob had ever seen, Rob dressed as himself). We hit it off right away! We became instant friends, started dating shortly after and dated long-distance for about 1 ½ years until our wedding day in 2011. We believe having a strong family starts with a strong marriage, and we’re so grateful for how richly the Lord has blessed us in this. As Pam said on the TV show The Office, “When you’re a kid, you assume your parents are soul mates. My kids are gonna be right about that.” Neither of us is perfect, of course, but we feel that, together, we make a pretty great team!

Advice to Future Child

A few key pieces of advice to our current and any future children would be:

  1. Be kind in all things.
  2. Always remember how loved, wanted, and valued you are. A children’s book we love says it best, “Always remember you matter, you’re important, and you are loved, and you bring to this world things no one else can.” (Charlie Mackesy)

Perspectives on Open Adoption

We read years ago that while adoption creates a gap between a person’s biology and their biography, openness is a way to bridge that gap. We believe that, and we hope to have a relationship with the birth family. We like the idea of meeting each other and sharing basic information at first, while keeping some identifying information private, and then sharing more as the relationship grows and becomes more open.


  • Favorite Movie: Home Alone
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Blizzard donuts (It started with Rob’s mom during his childhood. When a big snowstorm shuts down the city, we cozy up and make homemade donuts. The one rule is you eat as many as you want.)
  • Hobbies/Interests: reading, 3D printing, traveling as a family
  • Dream Vacation: train ride through the Swiss Alps
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: teleportation
  • Favorite Movie: Sleepless In Seattle
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: everything about Christmas (the music, the cookies, advent calendars, cozy lights)
  • Hobbies/Interests: baking, art, anything outdoors
  • Dream Vacation: Dog sledding in Sweden
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: to learn any language instantly

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