Welcome! Meet:

Travis + Rachael

Retail Sales Associate / Executive Assistant & Marketing Coordinator



All About Travis & Rachael

We are Travis and Rachael and we both grew up in a tiny town on the Oregon coast, where small-town morals and values shaped our upbringings. Our interests are diverse, from quiet evenings with books and art to outdoor adventures. We enjoy family game nights, barbecues, and time with our three-legged Siberian husky, Rogue. We aim to provide a variety of experiences for our child, fostering a well-rounded life with values of kindness and empathy. Family is central to our lives. We are close to our parents, siblings, and extended family, all of whom live nearby. My parents are very active with their granddaughter. My dad, an avid water skier, spends a lot of time with my niece, Rheya, teaching her to ski and swim in their home pool or when we vacation together at their home in Southern California. Travis’s parents are joyful and family oriented, and a very close-knit family. We cherish the time we spend with our family, and we also have a supportive network of friends, many with children, who are eager to welcome our future child.

Why Adoption?

Early in our relationship, Travis and I decided to have children. We planned to have one biological child and adopt another, but I’ve since learned I have a chromosomal anomaly that prevents me from having biological children. Although this was a challenging time, we’ve redirected our focus to expanding our family through adoption, which has always been part of our plan. We are eager to offer a loving and supportive home where children can thrive. Our hearts are overflowing with love and excitement at the prospect of expanding our family through open adoption. Our commitment to parenthood is influenced by our service to the community. Travis served as a volunteer firefighter for 20 years, following in his stepfather’s footsteps. His love language is Acts of Service, and he is passionate about helping others. When not working, he enjoys home projects, outdoor adventures, and lending a hand wherever needed. I have a strong connection to my family and a background in academic and personal growth. My most significant accomplishments were acquiring my MBA and becoming a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, forming a lasting bond with my "Little Sister," Kassidy over the past 15 years. I have supported her through all of her major life milestones, having come to see her as my daughter. This experience reinforced our desire to adopt and welcome children into our lives.

Family & Home

We own two homes, one on the Oregon Coast and one in SW Washington. The Oregon home is in our hometown and is surrounded by farms, the beach and beautiful wildlife where we get to watch deer and elk roam right outside our front door. Our other home is positioned comfortably between the city and the country allowing us access to everything while still being private and quiet and perfect for a family. We live with our three-legged Siberian husky, Rogue. She's sweet and spoiled, and as long as she has a pillow, she's content. I am also lucky enough to work from home, so I will be fully present and available for our child on a full-time basis.

How others describe me

We have a deep respect for each other and share a strong commitment to helping those we love. We are both dependable and always ready to step up in times of need. Travis sees me as goal-oriented, always pursuing new achievements—whether it's earning another degree, advancing in my career, or working towards personal goals like getting in shape and preparing for adoption. I see Travis as someone who is all heart. He selflessly served as a volunteer firefighter in our hometown for 20 years, and during his time managing a family-owned hardware store, he would often go above and beyond to help people in emergencies. Travis is hardworking, takes pride in his projects, and enjoys working with his hands and being outdoors. We share a strong moral compass and are both driven by a sense of doing what is right. These qualities are just a few of the many things we deeply admire and love about each other.

how we met

How We Met

Our paths intertwined when we were about 8 years old, as my father and Travis’ stepfather were volunteer firefighters together, and our parents were close friends. We remained close throughout our lives, and what started as a deep childhood friendship blossomed into a beautiful partnership in 2018. In 2018, I was maid-of-honor in two weddings - one in April and one in August. The first wedding was in our hometown in Oregon, and I reached out to Travis and asked him to be my date for both events. At the second wedding in August, we shared our first kiss in a photo booth.

From then on, we talked and texted every day, slowly changing from friends to something more. In September, we decided to make a real try of it, so I drove down to Oregon for our first real date.

From then on, we were committed to the relationship, alternating weekends to drive to each other. We lived two hours apart and in different states, but that didn't stand in our way. Our lifelong friendship ended up being the perfect foundation for us.

Advice to Future Child

Never stop searching for yourself. It's ok to be you, even if that means you're different. Everything about ourselves that is unique is what makes us special, embrace it! And don’t be scared to talk to us when you’re struggling with your identity or your journey. No one has ever walked the exact same path as you, but we will be here to help, support, guide and love you through it all.

Be kind and compassionate. You never know what someone is going through, so being kind is the best thing you can be.

Never stop learning…it doesn’t matter if that’s through a formal education, through work, special projects, learning new skills and hobbies, or from some other avenue. Knowledge is powerful and striving to be smarter than you were yesterday will help you become successful in your life.

You’re only as good as your word, so if you make a commitment, keep it. Be there for people. Be intentional and genuine and show up for others when you say you will. People will hold a higher level of respect for you by making this effort.

Mistakes are ok, everyone makes them. It’s how you deal with them that is important. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it, own it, and use it to grow so that you don’t make that same mistake again the next time it happens. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes, it’s part of what makes us human. Allow yourself some grace to not be perfect, but keep trying to improve every day.

Take care of yourself, you can’t pour from an empty pot. And make sure you place an importance on all areas of yourself, your physical, emotional, mental health.

Perspectives on Open Adoption

Travis and I started this process only wanting closed adoption, because of the stigma and misinformation available out there. After all of the research and lessons provided by our adoption agency, it has completely revised our position. Having access to the birth family and building that relationship as extended family is so much more beneficial for the child’s mental and emotional health and sense of identity. Ultimately, we have completely shifted our position on open adoption, because it’s what’s best for the child/children. We want our kids to thrive, to feel supported and to know who they are. And at the end of the day, having more people who love the child can never be a bad thing! We can’t wait to meet the birth family and start building that connection.


  • Favorite Movie: Avatar
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Thanksgiving, spending time together and sharing a special meal with family and friends
  • Hobbies/Interests: hunting, fishing, boating, outdoor adventures, wood working, home projects, friends & family, Rachael, and our future
  • Dream Vacation: Australia
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: invisibility
  • Favorite Movie: Memoirs of a Geisha, Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, The Little Mermaid (1989 animated)
  • Favorite Holiday/Tradition: Christmas morning, opening gifts in our pajamas with hot cocoa, and then eating biscuits and gravy with our family
  • Hobbies/Interests: animals, art, sketching, water sports, boating, books, game nights, Disney, friends & family, Travis and our future
  • Dream Vacation: Italy, Australia or Disney World
  • If I Could Choose a Superpower: to be able to touch an animal, and morph into it (Animorph book series I read when I was about 10)

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